Celebrating 56 Years of Saving Lives with the Narconon Program
Narconon Centers Across the World Hold Events to Honor Graduates and Staff and Commemorate the 56th Anniversary of Program
On February 19th, 2022, the Narconon program celebrated 56 years of continuous service to save lives from the grip of addiction. To commemorate this milestone, Narconon centers around the world held events that spanned 14 countries over the last month. From Italy to the Balkans and from Nepal to California, graduates and staff of the Narconon program were met with heartfelt thanks given from community leaders ranging from the Minister of Health in Puebla, Mexico, to the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Ojai Valley, and a Senator in Italy—all noting the steadfast resolve shown by Narconon staff in its mission to provide a way back for those seeking a new drug-free life.
The events, both in-person and virtual, were attended by graduates, supporters and community leaders and provided an opportunity to spotlight Narconon program graduates who shared their stories to inspire and help others. Their main goal—help others who are battling with addiction. In addition, the gatherings saw family members in attendance lending their support to loved ones who are winning the battle with addiction.
From graduates who had completed the program recently to those who have been leading clean and sober lives for decades—all were acknowledged and thanked for setting an example for others.

Here are some of the highlights of the 56th-anniversary events held around the world over the past month:
Narconon Latin America had the honor of hosting the President of the Mazahua Tribe and the Mayor of Villa Victoria, and several government officials from the Municipality of Villa Victoria at their celebration for the 56th anniversary. The Mayor presented a special recognition to Narconon Latin America commemorating the event.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce for Ojai Valley spoke at the Narconon Ojai event to present a special letter of recognition in honor of the 56th anniversary of the Narconon program.
Secretary of Health for the State of Puebla, Jose Antonio Martinez, was a featured speaker at the Narconon Puebla’s online event.
Narconon Louisiana held a special graduation event at the center broadcast on Facebook Live so graduates and supporters remote from the center could tune in to celebrate.
Narconon UK held an online event, and Robert Gallibert from Drug-Free Europe was a special guest who spoke about the importance of prevention campaigns.
Narconon Suncoast held a special ceremony honoring graduates, past and present, who have used the Narconon program to achieve successful, drug-free lives. The Drug Free for Good Award was presented to a recent graduate.
Narconon Balkan received a special video message from Dr. Dragan Jovanovski, an advisor to the Prime Minister of North Macedonia and a member of the Innovative Minds Club for the European Academy of Sciences. His message of congratulations validated the center and its staff for their good work.
The Deputy Mayor of Melendugno sent a warm message to Narconon Gabbiano, thanking them for their social activities in the community and wishing them a happy anniversary.
Senator Sergio Romagnoli sent a video message to Narconon Astore congratulating them, stating, “I send the warmest regards for the 56th anniversary and many thanks for all the work Narconon is doing and congratulations.”
At Narconon Nepal, Rajen Kumar Sharma, Director of Grande Social Foundation working with rural communities, was a special guest speaker bringing his words of encouragement and support.
Narconon Piemonte held their event at a soccer field with prominent community leaders in attendance, including the District Councilor and the Mayor ofVillafrancad’Astii.
Narconon Aurora’s graduation, held in celebration of the 56th anniversary, was covered in the local newspaper.
Narconon Mexico welcomed the President of the Latin America College of Post Graduate Law as their main speaker, who presented a special certificate of appreciation to the center for their good work.
Narconon Colombia held an event with dozens of graduates, their family members and community leaders who came to support the center and its work.
Narconon Navojoa celebrated this anniversary with their first-ever program graduate from 17 years ago, who was honored as their main featured speaker. Following the event, Gustavo Bueno from the center was interviewed on a local radio show, where he received well wishes for Narconon Navojoa from the listeners.
“It is an honor to be part of the international Narconon network of rehabilitation centers and know that we are helping the most vulnerable, those struggling with addiction. In these uncertain times, more than ever, people need real solutions to the problem of addiction. We cannot keep losing our loved ones to drug overdoses.”
These events provide a testament to the past 56 years of lives saved and show the dedication of Narconon staff to providing a real solution to the devastation of addiction. David Judice, Executive Director of Narconon Arrowhead, had this to say, “It is an honor to be part of the international Narconon network of rehabilitation centers and know that we are helping the most vulnerable, those struggling with addiction. In these uncertain times, more than ever, people need real solutions to the problem of addiction. We cannot keep losing our loved ones to drug overdoses.”
Narconon International is proud to celebrate every student and every graduate who has persisted on their road to recovery, every family member who has gone above and beyond until they found real help and every Narconon staff member who has been there to provide this life-saving program to those in need.
Narconon has been a leader in drug-free treatment for well over half a century with its unique New Life Detoxification regimen and life skill tools that have helped thousands of graduates build new lives. Narconon program’s successes show there is hope for those struggling with addiction. It is possible to live drug free, for good.